Week 3 content

Week 3 content


Build your own quiz by making a list of 5 take-away statements about Week 2 content. This may include anything from the textbook, lecture videos, articles, videos, websites, etc. Post your list under the discussion board prompt titled Quiz 2. Click the Discussion Board menu tab to access the prompt.What is a Take-Away Statement?

  • A one to two-sentence original statement about something you learned. Each statement is in your own words, and reflects critical thinking about the content.
  • Example: Unlike caterpillars, beetle larvae do not have suction-like back legs.

What is NOT a Take-Away Statement?

  • Direct quotes from class material.
  • Lists of facts pulled from course material and/or outside sources (i.e. google, wikipedia, etc.)
  • Incomplete sentences.
  • Example: I really like beetles because they are cool. (This shows no connection to something learned from the class. Although it’s good to include your thoughts, make sure you are also communicating a connection to something learned in the course.)
  • Example: Beetles are the largest order of insects. (This is a straight fact that is too similar to course textbook material.)

How will you be graded?

  • Credit/ No Credit.
    • College-level writing is required meaning no grammar/spelling/editing errors.
    • All 5 statements must be present and original work.
    • Please note that the only way that a student will not get credit for this assignment is if statements are taken directly or almost directly from one of the sources of information listed above. Just changing one word will not be acceptable either. Students must think critically about the information they have received thus far and simply type out a bullet list of 5 “take-away” statements.
  • Week 3 Learning Objectives

    Upon successful completion of this unit, you will be able to:

    • Demonstrate identification of chelicera versus pedipalps of different arachnids
    • Compare and contrast a spider with a harvestman from pictures
    • Demonstrate how to tell the difference between male and female spiders
    • Describe tarantula defense behavior
    • Identify pictures of dangerous spiders and describe what makes them a threat to human health
    • Describe impact of ticks and mites on human health
    • Compare and contrast soft ticks and hard ticks and indicate which are more commonly human ectoparasites
    • Define infestation symptoms caused by scabies and chiggers mites on humans
    • Describe how to safely remove a hard tick from human skin according to the Center for Disease Control

  • Step 1: Take Quiz 2

    Quiz content: Chapters 2, 8, 24Quiz window: check course calendar

  • Step 2: Read Textbook

    Read textbook chapters 3-5.

  • Step 4: View Lecture Presentation

    Intro to Arachnida (presentation) | Transcript: Intro to Arachnida (docx)After viewing the presentation, you will be able to:

    • Describe the body parts that make arachnids different from insects
    • Define types of arachnid chelicera and identify their location
    • Define types of pedipalps and describe their location and function
    • Compare and contrast a spider with a harvestman
    • Identify a whiptail scorpion and describe its defense mechanism
    • Identify a pseudoscorpion (so cute!) and describe its defense mechanism
    • Compare and contrast a scorpion with a pseudoscorpion

  • Step 5: Watch Videos & Read Article

    Net Casting Technique (video)1 | Transcript: Net Casting Technique (docx)Not all spiders spin a web and wait for prey to land in it. Watch the video to see another ingenious way some spiders use their silk. While watching the video, consider the following:

    • Does the spider in the video produce different types of silk?
    • How may spider silk differ? (Texture, strength, purpose)
    • Where are the eyes of this spider? What does this tell us about how the spider hunts prey?

    Other Prey Catching Techniques (video)2 | Transcript: Other Prey Catching Techniques (docx)Watch the video to see other unique silk traps from two different spiders. While watching the video, consider the following:

    • Are the silk traps general or specific for certain types of prey?
    • Why do the spiders eat the unused silk?
    • What strategies does the lasso spider use to lure prey in?

    Black Widow (video)3 | Transcript: Black Widow (docx)While watching the video, consider the following:

    • How do male and female black widows differ in size, and overall appearance?
    • What role do male pedipalps play in the mating process?
    • Why is mating such a dangerous process?

    Brown Recluse and Other Recluse Spiders4

    • Where are brown recluse spiders native to?
    • Are they established in California?
    • How frequently do people get bitten by these spiders?
    • Are the diagnosis of these bites accurate?


    1. Monster Bug Wars. “MONSTER BUG WARS | Ogre Spider Vs Assassin Bug.” YouTube. YouTube, 1 May 2015. Web.
    2. BBC Earth. “Red Back Spider – Attenborough: Life in the Undergrowth – BBC.” YouTube. YouTube, 28 Aug. 2009. Web.
    3. National Geographic. “Most Venomous Spider in North America.” YouTube. YouTube, 5 Aug. 2010. Web.
    4. Vetter, R. S. “How to Manage Pests.” Brown Recluse and Other Recluse Spider Management Guidelines–UC IPM. UC Statewide IPM Program, UC Davis, n.d.
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