Discussion BOARD

The term “boomerang generation” has been used to refer to children who move back in with their parents after finishing college, graduate school, or some other form of “adult life.” There are numerous articles devoted to this phenomenon. Read the following articles that offer diverse perspectives on the boomerang generation and then answer the questions below.http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/07/09/parents-boomerang-kids-_n_5534070.htmlhttps://www.forbes.com/sites/alexandratalty/2015/09/13/failure-to-launch-is-good-for-millennials-and-their-parents/#c7e8b9419b83https://www.theguardian.com/world/commentisfree/2016/mar/14/the-boomerang-generation-and-the-childhood-bedrooms-they-still-inhabitWhat were some of family narratives mentioned (perhaps not overtly) in the article on the boomerang generation that you read? Did they come into conflict with the child moving back in with his/her parents?What are some potential benefits of the impact of being part of the boomerang generation? Some potential drawbacks? Are they evenly balanced?How do the people who wrote or who were mentioned in the articles manage this new wrinkle in the connection-autonomy dialectic?Using the guidelines in “Effective Communication in Families” what advice would you give to members of a family experiencing the boomerang effect?

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