Up From Slavery

Up From Slavery

I am non native speakers so please write it in a very simple language and avoid using complicated words and sentences.

Explain how Booker T. Washington’s advice and direction given to African Americans in Up From Slavery (http://pinkmonkey.com/dl/library1/slavery.pdf) both complements and challenges the ideology and social structure of the United States in the “Gilded Age” and “Progressive Era” time periods. Through his emphasis on uplift, education, and accommodation, how is Washington reinforcing the existing social order but also seeking to enlarge it?

The paper must be 4 pages single-spaced with one-inch

margins. Use an appropriate citation style (either footnotes or

internal citations). The use of citations and further manuscript preparation information will be discussed in lecture and explained in

the Guide to Writing Papers provided. Read the Prompt; Have a Thesis: Your thesis is the most important element of your paper. Support Your Thesis; When You are Done, Reread Your Essay

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