timeline project

timeline project

An explanation of the following periods (see next page) must also be worked into the timeline. See the paragraphs that must be included online TIMELINE_TEXT_PROJ_ SPR17.DOC. If you do not have a version of Word that will open this, please see me. Classical Antiquity

Influence of the Silk Road Medieval Era Renaissance

The Age of Enlightenment
Industrial Revolution
Victorian Era
20th Century then at the 20th Century, begin to break things into decades:

1910s, 1920s, 1930s, 1940s, 1950s, 1960s, 1970s,1980s, 1990s 21st Century “TIMELINE_IMAGES_PROJ_SPR17.DOC” for all required images. Any other correct images are encouraged for extra credit. Please note the images listed have only key words, while each of your images must have the following information attached in some way as your caption:

Artist’s name (if available), Name of Artwork, Year Created, Medium (if available) For example:

Jan Tschichold, Cinema Poster for Die Hose (The Trousers), 1927,

ink on paper

BE SURE that the caption is correct and VISIBLE below all images. You may acquire these images by scanning Meggs or finding them online. Just be sure

that these are high enough resolution for whatever your final project will be. If you do
not understand what this means, please see me or talk to a graphic design major. Consider getting into study groups and finding images together, as this is not cheating. Doing the exact same project is cheating. Be aware that there are differences in this semester’s requirements vs. earlier semesters that I will check. If you use information from a previous semester, I will know and consider your file a copied document. You will fail the project and I will report plagiarism to the department.

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