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Based on National Association of Social Workers (2008) on social work and Child Abuse and Neglect The recent health and human services data recorded 40 percent of the 9000,000 child victims known to child protective services received no services following a substantiated report of maltreatment (NASW 2008). There are recommendations that are set forth by the NASW based on child abuse and neglect. A policy I selected from the many recommended was the expansion of health education to schools to include mental health education and a curriculum that focuses on parenting and child development to prevent child abuse and neglect.

I currently work for the state of Nevada for the Mobile Crisis Response Team. E provide short term mental health treatment to children and adolescents experiencing suicidal behavior. The majority of our responses are school based and what is shocking are the unexperienced staff to deal with suicidal behavior and child maltreatment amongst school. I would advocate and implement for proper school training amongst staff o they are better informed on how to deal with situations of child abuse and mental health crisis. Schools face increasing demands to support the mental health needs of students and families; some estimate that 80 percent of students receive mental health services at school. Thus, schools face two daunting challenges: (1) to provide effective mental health support to students and (2) to address how mental health needs affect other students, teachers, and academic priorities (Capp 2015).

Currently in Nevada there are two programs to help support mental health and child abuse needs within the schools, 1) is the Mobile crisis response team in which I am employed with and 2) Is a newly designed program within the county that is also implemented towards crisis needs assessment to deal with children that are currently in the care of social services experiencing harm within the school system. With more programs to assistant children with mental health and case management it will reduce the amount of children not receiving services.

Capp, G. (2015). Our Community, Our Schools: A Case Study of Program Design for School-Based Mental Health Services. Children & Schools, 37(4), 241-248. doi:10.1093/cs/cdv030

National Association of Social Workers. (2008). NASW Standards for Social Work & Child Abuse and Neglect. Washington, DC: NASW Press.

NASW. (2009). Social work speaks. Washington, DC: NASW Press. Child Abuse and Neglect (pp. 42–48)


“Permanency planning and family preservation concepts developed as a result of studies demonstrating the negative effects of remaining in the foster care system long term.” (NASW, 2009, p.44) This general understanding is the reason why more efforts need to be made to ensure children are place either back home or with kin. Despite the understanding that long term stay in foster care can be damaging to children, these numbers continue to be high.

The state of Montana on average has a total of 2300 kids in foster care as of 2014, with the average length in foster care being 20 months compared to the national average of 21 months, with 6% of kids being in foster care for more than 5 years compared to the national average of 7%.Despite the fact that Montana is below the national average for both length in foster care and number of kids who spend more than 5 years in the system, these number are still high considering the studies that have shown the detriment to children who stay in care long term.

A policy is needed to increase adoption funding and rates and allow funding for programs such as aging out and supporting older youth who are in foster care long term. There are currently very few aging out programs throughout the US, but Montana does have a program that has social workers engaging with older teen kids in foster care who will age out in a year or 2. This program allows social workers to build rapport and help those older teens who need adult role models and advice who might otherwise not receive such mentors due to being in the foster care system. This issue is not effectively funded within Montana and the nation and the numbers continue to rise of those teen who are lacking proper support and guidance from an adult figure. With further funding and resources going to those aging out youth, more adults and mentors can be provided to those teen youth who are in need of mentorship.


Ahmann, E., & Dokken, D. (2017). Supporting Youth Aging Out of Foster Care. Pediatric Nursing. 43(1), 43-48.

Casey Family Programs. (2010). State Child Welfare Policy Database. Retrieved from

NASW. (2009). Social Work Speaks. Washington D.C: NASW Press. p. 42-48

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