Individual Personality Traits Paper

Individual Personality Traits Paper

Locate and take a free online assessment that uses the Big Five personality factors. (I COPIED AND PASTED MY RESULTS BELOW IN CASE THE FILE WOULDN’T UPLOAD CORRECTLY)

Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper describing your personality traits based on your findings from the Big Five assessment tool. Include the following in your paper:

  • Summarize your results.
  • Propose solutions for working with other personality types using the information from the Big Five assessment and the underlying principles of trait theories.
  • Describe how your results from the assessment compare to the 16 personality factors. Explain how your results are relative to genetics.

Include an introduction and conclusion, and cite at least two sources other than your textbook.

Format your paper according to APA guidelines.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

You Are Moderately Open to Experience

Your score for openness was 70%. This is in the
moderate range.

Openness describes a person’s tendency to think in abstract, complex ways. High scorers tend to be creative, adventurous, and intellectual. They enjoy playing with ideas and discovering novel experiences. Low scorers tend to be practical, conventional, and focused on the concrete. They tend to avoid the unknown and follow traditional ways.

Openness is strongly related to a person’s interest in art and culture. People who are high in openness tend to enjoy the arts and seek out unusual, complex forms of self-expression. People who are low in openness are often suspicious of the arts and prefer to focus on more practical pursuits.

Because your score is in the midrange, it is likely that you do not stand out as either a particularly imaginative, nor a particularly conservative person. You probably do not consider yourself to be particularly creative or unconventional. You probably also do not appear especially conservative or narrow in your interests.

You Are Highly Conscientious

Your score for Conscientiousness was high, at 85%.

Conscientiousness describes a person’s ability to exercise self-discipline and control in order to pursue their goals. High scorers are organized and determined, and are able to forego immediate gratification for the sake of long-term achievement.

People who are high in Conscientiousness are usually:

  • Orderly
  • Dependable
  • Hardworking
  • Cautious

People high in Conscientiousness are more likely to be successful in their careers and less likely to develop addictions of all kinds. They have high levels of self-control and are good at resisting impulses. They usually have neat, organized homes and orderly, well-planned lives.

You Are Low in Extraversion

Your score for Extraversion was low, at 20%.

Extraversion describes a person’s inclination to seek stimulation from the outside world, especially in the form of attention from other people. Extraverts engage actively with others in order to earn friendship, admiration, power, status, excitement, and romance. Introverts tend to conserve their energy, and do not work as hard to earn these social rewards.

People who are low in Extraversion tend to be:

  • Reserved
  • Independent
  • Quiet
  • Deliberate

Extraversion seems to be related to the emotional payoff that a person gets from achieving a goal, especially a goal that involves other people. People who are high in Extraversion are thrilled by achievements like getting a promotion, landing a new mate, or receiving an award. People who are low in Extraversion do not experience the same “high” from these experiences, and so do not put in as much effort to pursue them.

People who are low in Extraversion tend to be fairly independent, and do not need a lot of admiration or recognition from others in order to feel satisfied. They tend not to be interested in money or status, and would rather lead a life that is personally pleasing than one that gains them the attention of others.

You Are Low in Agreeableness

Your score for Agreeableness was low, at 52.5%.

Agreeableness describes a person’s tendency to put others’ needs ahead of their own, and to cooperate rather than compete with others. People who are high in Agreeableness experience a great deal of empathy and tend to get pleasure out of serving and taking care of others. They are usually trusting and forgiving.

People who are low in Agreeableness tend to experience less empathy and put their own concerns ahead of others. Low scorers are often described as hostile, competitive, and antagonistic. They tend to have more conflictual relationships and often fall out with people.

Your low score in Agreeableness indicates that you put your own needs first most of the time. You may see other people as a threat to your ability to get what you want, and you often suspect ulterior motives in others. You are mostly unwilling to sacrifice your own needs in the service of other people.

You are Moderate in Neuroticism

Your score for Neuroticism was moderate, at 37.5%.

Neuroticism describes a person’s tendency to experience negative emotions, including fear, sadness, anxiety, guilt, and shame. While everyone experiences these emotions from time to time, some people are more prone to them than others.

This trait can be thought of as an alarm system. People experience negative emotions as a sign that something is wrong in the world. You may be in danger, so you feel fear. Or you may have done something morally wrong, so you feel guilty. However, not everyone has the same reaction to a given situation. High Neuroticism scorers are more likely to react to a situation with fear, anger, sadness, and the like. Low Neuroticism scorers are more likely to brush off their misfortune and move on.

Your score indicates that you are fairly typical in your tendency to experience negative emotions. You probably feel sadness, worry, anger, and guilt about as much as the average person. You are neither overly reactive, nor especially resistant to the stresses of life.

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