HIST1402 Barton County Community College The Gospel of Wealth Worksheet

There are 3 modules Questions.

The Gospel of Wealth worksheet

The Gospel of Wealth Questions

1.What is the problem of “our age?”
2.Industrialization has created a “contrast between the palace of the millionaires and the cottage of the laborer,” is this to be deplored or welcomed? Why?
3.What was the result of the old way of manufacturing with regards to products and prices? How has industrialization benefited even the poor?
4.What are some negative results of industrialization? Is industrialization worth it?
5.In Carnegie’s opinion, when did civilization start? What does civilization depend on?
6.What are some of the values that Carnegie believes have produced “the best fruit?”
7.What are the 3 ways wealth can be given away?
8.What are some of the duties of man?
9.What is the main consideration to take into account when handing out charity?
10.What do you think about Carnegie’s views of wealth? Do you agree or disagree? Why?

The Omaha platform worksheet

Omaha Platform (1892)

1.What are some of the problems urban workers face according to the Omaha Platform?

2.Does the Omaha Platform believe the two major parties are really all that different? What is the only issue the Democrats and Republicans are willing to have a “sham battle” over?

3.Why do you think the proponents of the Omaha Platform mean when they write, “We believe that the power of the government—in other words, of the people…?”

4.Who does wealth really belong to, according to the Omaha Platform? (Pg. 2)

5.Make a list of reforms pushed by the Omaha Platform: what do they say about railroads, wealth, taxes, voting, representation, immigration, etc. Do you think these proposed reforms would fix the problems faced by workers? Do any of these reforms violate the Constitution?

American Imperialism Worksheet

Arguments Against Imperialism

1.What were some views Washington and Jefferson had regarding America’s relationship with other nations? What kind of relationship should exist? What kind of relationship should not exist?
Arguments for Imperialism

2.What did Senator Beveridge see as America’s mission to the rest of the world? What did Senator Beveridge say about governing a people without their consent?

3.What was America producing more of today (the time he gave the speech)? Was that overproduction going to be consumed in the continental United States? If not, who did Senator Beveridge want to consume it?
4.Why can’t America be an empire and a republic at the same time?
5.Why can’t the Filipinos share in American citizenship?
6.What has imperialism brought America?
Your Opinion

7.What is your opinion regarding American imperialism? Did Americans violate the wisdom of the Founding Fathers by engaging in imperialism?

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