GSU Order of Operations Scales of Measurement & Continuous vs. Discrete Variables

u01a1 Order of Operations, Scales of Measurement, and Continuous vs. Discrete Variables

Complete the following problems within theWord document (do not submit other files). Show your work for problem sets that require calculations. Ensure that your answer to each problem is clearly visible. (You may want to highlight your answer or use a different type color to set it apart.)

Submit the document to your instructor by Sunday, 11:59 p.m. central time.

Problem Set 1.1: Order of Operations

Criterion: Apply the appropriate order of operations to solve equations.

Instruction:Apply order of operations rules and solve each of theseequations:


b. (8 + 42 – 4)/5

c. 82 * 3 + 4/2

d. 406 * 5 – 2

e. – 2.

Note: To insert a square root symbol (), click the Inserttab, and in the Symbols section, click Equation. (If Equation is grey and unresponsive, open a new document and complete your work there.) Next, click Radical and choose the best option.The square root will appear inside a frame (see picture at right). To enter numbers into the square root, click the dottedline box. When done, click outside of the frame. Then, you can copy and paste the work where you like.

Set 1.2: Scales of Measurement

Criterion: Identify appropriate scales of measurement for stated variables.

Instruction:Identify the highest possible scale (nominal, ordinal, interval, or ratio) for the following:

a. Preferred political party.

b. Number of children.

c. Number of sodas you drank today.

d. Temperature in Fahrenheit.

e. Class rank.

(Assignment continues on next page.)

Set 1.3: Scales of Measurement (2)

Criterion: Identify appropriate scales of measurement for stated variables.

Instruction:Identify the highest possible scale (nominal, ordinal, interval, or ratio) for the following:

a. Gender.

b. Weight of an object.

c. Book genre.

d. Extraversion.

e. Award categories at the Oscars.

Problem Set 1.4: Continuous vs. Discrete Variables

Criterion: Differentiate between continuous and discrete variables.

Instruction: Identify the variables as continuous (C) or discrete(D):

a. Time it takes to fall asleep.

b. Number of languages you speak.

c. Number of adults living in a household.

d. Speed of an airplane.

e. Weight of cars.

Problem Set 1.5: Data Display in SPSS

Criterion: Enter and display data in SPSS.

Instruction: Use the supplied data to complete Steps 1–8.

Data: It took five learners the following number of minutes to install SPSS:
23.20, 40.30, 1.55, 9.23, 8.40.


1. Open SPSS.

2. Click New DataSet in the New Files area and then click Open.

3. Click theVariable Viewtab at the bottom.

4. In the cell under Name,typeMinutes.

5. The variable of Minutes is continuous.In the Decimals column,type2.

6. Click on the Data View tab at the bottom of the screen.

7. Enter data in the column labeled Minutes.

8. Take a screenshot of your data in SPSS and paste it below.


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