Florida Atlantic Role of Judges & Prosecutors in Drug Courts Literature Review

Literature Review – Topic Question : What are the roles, power, or ethical standards of drug court officials (i.e.… judges, prosecutor, and defense) & How do court team members think these things matter within the court environment? (You can choose one or more members) (You can choose roles, power, ethical standers solo or in some combination with each other)

Review of Literature: Throughout the semester you will complete readings for class on drug courts, but as part of the final paper you must go beyond the class readings and seek out additional sources. We also encourage you to look at the works cited in the class readings and use the assigned readings to “snowball” additional sources for your paper.

Formatting and Stylistic Requirements:
10-12 typed, double-spaced pages with 1-inch margins on all sides
Times New Roman, 12 point black font, numbered pages
About 4 – 5 pages
In-text citation format, APA or MLA Format
Due Date:10/10/19

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