Compare/Contrast Three Memoirs About the Vietnam War, history homework help

“Based on any three of the assigned four memoirs/diary (Dang Thuy Tram, Lam Quang Thi, Le Ly Hayslip, and Truong Nhu Tang), write a tightly argued essay —with proper quotations/paraphrasing/citations— of 6 to (maximally) 7 pages, type-written, double-spaced, with 1 inch margins all sides, common 12 pt. font. Proof-read for spelling, punctuation, grammar, syntax, etc.!


Your essay should be a comparative, contrasting review of the three books, which is also informed by the historical information provided in Duiker’s textbook, the documentaries, other assigned articles, and lectures. You can focus primarily on any two books, but include some analysis of the third as well. Keeping descriptive passages to a minimum, focus your analysis on the following questions (not necessarily in that order; you can also add other analytical/interpretive foci)”

I will attach 3 of the memoirs as files so you can download them. Duiker’s textbook available upon request as it is not strictly necessary for the answer. Keep to 6 pages please.

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