California State University the Difference Between Men and Women Essay

Discuss the reading 3/4 of page

Other part is to discuss the findings of the GSS table and interview (Gender in column and FAMIY in row)…

-reinterpretation of findings when using social class

-color, Z statistic and question wording must be on.

1P. Present question, year, P values, colors, percentages from important rows (men and women)

-what does the tables tell us about the difference between men and women?

2P. Interpret gender in relation to class (Put class into control box)

-Look at p values and color to see if gender is significant across difference levels of social class

-interpret P values for each social class group & summarize significant or lack thereof & include important % in important social class

1P. Writeup: demographics of who you interviewed, state length of interview (5min), summarize the interviewee’s responses

(you’re probing while conducting a quantitative interview

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