access the Chair’s Address of the 2015 Conference on College Composition and Communication (CCCC), English homework help

access the Chair’s Address of the 2015 Conference on College Composition and Communication (CCCC), English homework help

Discuss, in your response, how the speech offers analogies for the composition considerations I noted. As you probably know, an analogy is often a comparison of two dissimilar things made to help folks understand an idea or concept.

Activity description: During this activity you will access the Chair’s Address of the 2015 Conference on College Composition and Communication (CCCC). There are may ways to access the speech. Please access the speech in the ways most useful to you, and be sure to indicate in your post how you accessed the video at the top of your post.

Video with image, sound, and captions (thirty-nine minutes long):


Purpose of activity: The purpose of this activity is to help you further your understanding of the writing process by creating analogies for the writing process.


The video shows Dr. Adam Banks delivering the 2015 CCCC Chair’s Address to conference attendees–those concerned with teaching writing and communication at the university and college levels. As you observe the video or access the address via text, you should focus on (take notes) all the following composition considerations:

transitions (e.g., how do his transitions between ideas or main points relate to those we make in writing?)

unity and organization (e.g., how does he organize his speech and how does his organizing relate to how we organize our essays?)

determining indented audiences (e.g., who is his intended audience and how does knowing our intended audiences shape how we write?)

authorial credibility (e.g., give one or more examples of how Banks creates authorial credibility and trustworthiness during his speech and how do we do the same when we write essays?)

tone (e.g., what is the tone of the speech and how does it enhance his ability to communicate with his audience? What does tone allow us to do in our own essays?)

genre (e.g., to what genre does the speech belong and how does genre influence our expectations about what we read and how we write?)

introductions and conclusions (e.g., how does he introduce and conclude the video, and how do introductions and conclusions function in our own essays?)

After you access Banks’ speech, write a two paragraph response, at least 275 words, in which you address all the composition considerations I have posed. I suggest taking notes as you access his speech. Discuss, in your post, how the speech offers analogies for the composition considerations I noted. As you probably know, an analogy is often a comparison of two dissimilar things made to help folks understand an idea or concept.

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