Writing Essay

Writing Essay

Essay #4 (Cause and Effect) 15% Minimum Length: 650 words http://ngl.cengage.com/assets/downloads/greatwi_pr…

This happened, and that triggered this, that, and the other. Oh, yes — we understand the causal chain, and if we don’t really know, we invent it. Causality is one of the most psychologically satisfying discursive forms known to man. And, why? Well, it’s all about wanting to think we understand this world as we know it. And, it’s also all about thinking we can do something about it. So, if eating raw pufferfish sushi will kill you – if a person dies after eating sushi, and we see it had pufferfish in it, then, we feel sort of comforted by the fact that we can manage our “life risk” which to say that if we love sushi, we can continue to eat it, but without including raw pufferfish. I say that assuming the person who is reading this (you, in fact), wants to keep on living. Elements to include: • The mystery, condition, or scientific phenomenon you’re trying to untangle by exploring causal relationships • Why does this matter? • Step-by-step process • The key assumptions • What’s wrong with this picture? Doubt and wondering… what are some of the possible problems? • Cautionary tales? What are some of the things to keep in mind?

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