what is art to you

One of the interesting problems in the field of art is that no one seems to be able to put a concrete definition on what “art” is. Art has a tendency to be very subjective, and open for personal interpretation. Depending on who you ask, the term “art” is always going to vary from individual to individual. This may be one of many reasons why so many people overlook art, do not take it seriously, and never take the time to see all the art that exists around them everyday.

For this first discussion topic of one paragraph or more of writing (no double-spacing please, and no larger than 12 point type) of writing, I would like you to answer the following questions below.

First, what is art to you? Give a personal definition of what you think art is. I’m not necessarily looking for any right or wrong answers here, just your honest definition of what you think “art” is. Give examples of items and situations in your own life that help you to define your personal definition of art. Also, how is art related in some way to your major or occupation? I ask this question because I want to be able to connect this course to you personally and your life. I also ask this question to prove the point that art has an impact on all walks and situations of life. Art is inescapable.

Please respond to these questions in one paragraph (six to eight sentences) or longer of writing. Also, please be mindful of spelling, grammar and complete sentence and paragraph structure.

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