Vargas Case 6

Vargas Case 6

Read the Vargas Family Case Study: Module 6. Develop three experiential interventions that you would use with the Vargas family.

It’s time to get creative! You have noticed that the Vargas family struggles with emotional expression, particularly with congruent emotional expression (i.e., words, actions, and body language being congruent). Using the Experiential Interventions Template, develop three experiential interventions that you would use with the family and describe why they would be helpful to the family. Be sure to fully address each section in the template for each of the three interventions:

  1. Title of your Intervention
  2. General Goals
  3. Materials Needed
  4. Advance Preparation Needed
  5. Description of the Intervention with the Vargas family
  6. Discussion of the Benefits of the Intervention to the Vargas Family
  7. References (3) include Nichols, M. (2013). Family Therapy, Concepts and Methods 10th ed. Boston: Prentice Hall.

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