Respond to your peer by providing at least two suggested resources as well as what each resource can offer, psychology homework help

Respond to your peer by providing at least two suggested resources as well as what each resource can offer, psychology homework help

Respond to your peer by providing at least two suggested resources as well as what each resource can offer, that could be added to their information sheet. These resources need to provide teachers with further information regarding ADHD. An example of a resource might be Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. You will need to explain what the resource offers regarding ADHD.


Attention-Deficit Hyper Disorder

1. Three types of ADHD

1. Inattentive

2. Hyperactive-Impulsive

3. Combination of both

2. Causes

    • Biology & Genetics- Research and Evidence show a direct correlation to genetics linking a 60-90% inheritance.
      • “Genes regulating neurotransmitter systems have been implicated in ADHD. Candidate gene studies of ADHD have produced substantial evidence implicating several genes in the etiology of the disorder, with meta-analyses supportive of a role of the genes coding for DRD4, DRD5, SLC6A3, SNAP-25, and HTR1B. Genome scan studies on potential alleles for ADHD have demonstrated linkage on chromosomes 5p13, 6q12, 16p13, 17p11 and 11q22-25” (Pediatr, Ital., 2010).
    • Environment

“Pre-, peri- and postnatal environmental factors play an important role in the pathogenesis of ADHD. Prenatal factors are associated with maternal lifestyle during pregnancy” (Pediatr, Ital., 2010).

During pregnancy smoking, drinking and mal nutrition are all factors that affect the brain development.

  1. Excuse the sarcasm, but the importance of a medical diagnosis is primarily to hold the public education system and teachers accountable for assisting students with disabilities covered by federal law.Before additional resources or funding can be issued to help a child there must be some form of “disability” and paper trail to account and keep track of funding, resources, and ensure that teachers are helping all students due to the No Child Left Behind Act.My personal opinion backed by research from as far back as when my baby sister was diagnosed 25 years ago along with the medications prescribed does not allow me endorse that every child needs to be diagnosed with a disorder to get help.Parents, teachers, and the school system seem to require a doctor to officially diagnose a child before the child gets the resources needed for early intervention.This reminds me when my daughter experienced a lot of life changes and I thought that maybe taking her to a therapist would help by talking to another adult and in order for insurance to be billed for her to talk to a counselor she had to be formally diagnosed with a disorder.It’s important for the doctors and pharmaceutical companies to continue making profits but when it comes to the school and the student I don’t think a student should be officially diagnosed just because a child learns differently and may require additional resources.I wish I could find the statistic I read somewhere years ago that had a direct correlation between the numbers of students diagnosed with ADHD just so the school would receive more funding.Don’t get me wrong, studies have proven that there is clearly an issue in the brain that can cause hyperactivity in children and is present before the age of 7.Oh wow, let’s look at all the studies of how children shouldn’t be placed in an environment that makes them sit still at a desk for six hours straight. “For a diagnosis of ADHD, symptoms need to occur often, have persisted for the past six months, and be maladaptive and incongruent with the individual’s developmental level. Additionally, an ADHD diagnosis is only given if at least some of the behavioral symptoms were present before the age of 7 years, occur in more than one setting, and cause significant impairment in social and school functioning” (Pediatr, I., 2010).While there are natural remedies that could help with “rewiring” the brain journals and research are backed to promote stimulants to assist. “Drug treatment should always be part of a comprehensive plan that includes psychosocial, behavioral and educational advice and interventions” (Pediatr, I., 2010).
  1. Possible signs and symptoms

·Forgetful, unfocused, easily distracted, fidgety and can’t sit still, injury prone, interrupts others, has a hard time taking turns, talks excessively.

  1. The IDEA category it fits under Other Health Impairment (OHI). “For a student to qualify for special education services under IDEA 2004 in the OHI category, the student displays academic troubles related to ADHD and its characteristics (Powell, S.R., & Driver, M. K., 2013).
  1. How IEP or 504 plans can help a child with ADHD in the classroom

Children diagnosed with ADHD and ADD are included in the general classroom and with the medical diagnosis with have an IEP or a 504 plan.Due to the number of children in my classroom that have either been diagnosed with ADHD even though there is not a formal IEP due to being a private preschool I have had to incorporate interventions to help accommodate the children.In one class, I had three students who all were diagnosed with ADHD and one who had involuntary body movements associated with turrets.The daily schedule and routine had to be changed for the whole classroom to accommodate these children due to them having to stay physical active to focus long enough on certain tasks like circle time, arts and crafts, or reading.In between those activities that required students to sit still for 10-15 minutes at a time and stay focused there would have to be physical activities in between those times.“The medical journal Pediatrics published research that found kids who took part in a regular physical activity program showed important enhancement of cognitive performance and brain function” (Hamblin, 2014). While an IEP Plan and 504 plan can help in the classroom, teachers and schools should consider the research done on implementing more physical activity throughout the day.“Even very light physical activity improves mood and cognitive performance by triggering the brain to release dopamine and serotonin, similar to the way that stimulant medications like Aderall do” (Hamblin, 2014).


Hamblin, J. (2014). Exercise is ADHD Medication. Retrieved on September 16, 2016 from

Pediatr, Ital. (2010). The Neurobiological Basis of ADHD.Published online 2012 December 22. Doi:10.1186/1824-7288-36-79.Retrieved on September 16, 2016 from….

Powell, S.R., & Driver, M. K. (2013). Working With Exceptional Students: An Introduction to Special Education. San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint Education, Inc.

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