peer review, English homework help

Click the link above to submit your two peer review forms for grading. You should submit the reviews you completed for your two peers, not the reviews you received.

You should also have reattached the peer reviews you completed underneath your peers’ originally posted Project 1 rough drafts in the Discussion Board forum. Make sure you submit your peer reviews in both locations.


Project 1 peer review instructions:

Follow the instructions provided by your instructor for where and how to attach your Project 1 rough draft. Remember, rough drafts should include the following documents:

  • Your written profile -a complete length rough draft (including multimodal components).
  • A list of concerns you have about your profile rough draft (tied specifically to our assignment and grading rubric).

Peer Review

Download the peer review form (attached above) to provide your peer with feedback. Some writers feel like “I’m not an expert in writing, so I cannot give feedback.” This isn’t true. All of you are informed readers: you are all working on the same project, after all. You understand the expectations of our profile assignment. You’ve internalized the grading rubric for Project 1. You have read the same content to prepare for this project. You should have lots to say to each other.

Of course, you can say that you like what an author is doing in a portion of the rough draft, but you have to say *why* you like it. Keep in mind that you’re responding to a rough draft: a work in progress. All writing can be improved. Your task is to help your classmate see not only areas where you think their draft is strong (and why), but more importantly, where it needs the most revision (and why). Base your feedback on our Project 1 grading rubric as much as you can. You should respond to two of your classmates’ drafts. You should email with your animal-named Team members to ensure everyone has two peers reading their drafts and that no one in your Team is left out.

When you have completed and returned your written comments to your partners, please also submit the Peer Review Forms you completed to be graded. The link to submit your two completed peer review forms is at the top of these instructions.

While all the Habits of Mind are involved in all work for this course, Responsibility and Openness are essential to the important work of responding (in writing) to a draft composed by someone else.

Peer reviews are due by 5/30.

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