Palm Beach State College Week 3 Lack of Education in Haiti Research Paper

Section A

  • Consider the research topic you are developing for your Major Assignment 1.
  • Review Chapter 3 of the Ravitch and Carl text and use Table 3.1, page 69 to help you create a rationale using the questions as your guide.
  • Review Chapter 3 of the Ravitch and Carl text and specifically use pages 70–76 to create a positionality memo to reflect on your relationship to the topic.
  • Review the Fundamentals of Qualitative Research Methods: Developing a Qualitative Research Question media program as a guideline to help you create a research question.

Transform your notes from your preparation work into four paragraphs and briefly explain in your post the following:

  • The research purpose of your inquiry
  • The rationale
  • Issues of positionality
  • The research question

Be sure to support your main post and response post with reference to the week’s Learning Resources and other scholarly evidence in APA style.

This week for Section A, you are required to have a minimum of four headings per the Walden requirements. I am highlighting them below and providing some information for each. I strongly suggest adding a 5th section that will precede your Purpose Statement if you want to practice how a design evolves. It will then mimic what is required in Week 4’s MA1 and you can then use it for MA1 in Week 4. It is a Problem Statement.

These are required headings for D1:

Problem Statement

This section is completely optional for Week 3 and is not required, but I strongly suggest adding it because you then have what will be needed for MA1.

Select a qualitative study on your topic and present the following:

1) what the researchers stated was the purpose of their study (one to two sentences),

2) the findings from the analysis of qual data the researchers conducted (one to three sentences), and

3) what the researcher stated needs further study (the gaps that need to be addressed).

The study you chose for this section can be used in D2.

Purpose of Study

  • This section begins with a purpose statement. It will read something like this: “The purpose of the study I am proposing to do is to … (reference from where gap came from).” You must cite the specific study where the researcher stated that further study was needed in the area that will become the purpose of your study. This is important as you have now moved from your initial thinking about what you wanted to study to how researchers studied your original interest and state what needs further study. If a researcher has stated that several areas need further study you select one of them and then present it verbatim, i.e., do not change the language.
  • This must come from one of the current studies you have read on your topic where the researcher states that further study is needed in a specific area. It has to come from a qual study.
  • The purpose must be for a qual study and it must come from a qual study (see a above). In the Week 2 Announcement I identified words that indicate it is a quan study that a researcher says is needed. Yours must be a qual study and it must be what a researcher says is needed, not what you feel is needed.
  • Use the table in Discussion 2 for language examples, e.g. explore, understand, describe.
  • Example: If a researcher stated that further study was needed to explore how women with postpartum depression coped with the depression your purpose might be: “The purpose of this study will be to explore how women with postpartum depression cope with the depression.”

Rationale for Study

  • This is why your study is important. You state why your study needs to be conducted. This is only about the one gap you identified that you will study.
  • Example: “Studying how women cope with postpartum depression can enhance our understanding of methods that could be developed to help women suffering from postpartum depression.”

Issues of Positionality

  • Positionality has to do with your position relative to the participants in your planned study and the research setting. It refers to your position with respect to education, class, race, gender, culture, and other factors.
  • Positionality is concerned with the subjectivity you bring to a research setting and thus any bias that could occur in the development of your study (and the analysis of data).
  • In this section, you describe what could be issues of positionality in your study and how you would address the potential issues.
  • Example: “I suffered from postpartum depression and will have to bracket my beliefs and opinions on the topic before I develop my interview questions and also when I analyze the data from the study. I do not want any biases I have to creep into the study.”

The Research Question (RQ)

  • The research question places boundaries around what you will study. It takes the purpose of your study and frames it as a question.
  • Patton’s excellent book (4th edition) has a section beginning on p. 251 titled Framing Qualitative Inquiry Questions, which teaches you what to consider when designing a RQ and gives examples.
  • Your RQ must be a question that uses the language of your Purpose Statement.
  • Your RQ must be written as a qual question, i.e., it is not a statement with a question mark at the end. Here is where Patton’s section is very helpful.
  • Example: “How did women who experienced postpartum depression cope with their depression?” [Class: note that the study sample would be women who experienced and coped with postpartum depression. We will get into qual sampling in a few weeks.)

The Topic is the Lack of Education in Haiti

Section 2

For this Discussion, you will examine qualitative research as it relates to qualitative design considerations.

To prepare for this Discussion:

  • Review the Learning Resources and the Fundamentals of Qualitative Research Methods: Developing a Qualitative Research Question video and consider the basic guidelines for qualitative research design.
  • Use the Course Guide and Assignment Help found in this week’s Learning Resources and search for a qualitative research article. (Note: This article should be the research article you are using for your Major Assignment 1.)
  • Review the qualitative research article you found and identify each of the components of the research design and consider what is present and what is missing.
  • Identify what the authors did to document positionality, reflexivity, and bias.

Transform your notes from your preparation work into three paragraphs and post the following:

  • A brief statement of the purpose and primary research question the article addresses
  • An assessment of how thoroughly the research design was presented, including what was missing
  • An assessment of the extent of the researcher’s presentation of positionality, reflexivity, and bias

Be sure to support your main post and response post with reference to the week’s Learning Resources and other scholarly evidence in APA style.

For this discussion, you must select a current qualitative research study on your topic. The study will be one of the three current studies in MA1 so it needs to be on your topic of interest. It can be from a dissertation or an article in a peer-reviewed journal. Current is 2013-2019. You will actually use this study or another qual study for Discussion 1.

These are required headings for D2:

Below pertains to the qual study you read.

1. Purpose of the Study

2. Research Question (if it is not stated, please infer the question from the purpose)

3. Assessment of How Well the Research Design Was Presented

4. What Additional Information About the Design Was Needed (if needed)

5. Assessment of Researcher’s Presentation of

  • positionality
  • reflexivity
  • bias

Topic: The Lack of Education in Haiti

Please follow the instruction and use the Heading

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