NBST520B01 Liberty Bird’s Four Views Of The Apostle Paul Assignment Help

Research Project: Paper on Bird’s Four Views of the Apostle Paul. Students will write a paper on the Michel Bird book, Four Views on the Apostle Paul, not to exceed 15 pages in length. The paper must have five sections in which the student does following five things:

  • Introduce the book to the reader, identifying the contributors and assessing their perspectives and qualifications to write on the subject;
  • Briefly summarize the perspective and central thesis of each contributor;
  • Choose one perspective with which you have the most agreement and briefly describe your reasons why this perspective makes the most sense to you.
  • Choose one perspective with which you have the most disagreement and briefly describe your reasons why this perspective makes the least sense to you.
  • Based on your reading of, and interaction with, the various perspectives in the book, briefly describe your own understanding of Paul’s perspective on the four key areas each contributor addressed, identifying where your perspective has changed, if at all, after reading the book:
    1. Salvation
    2. Significance of Christ
    3. Paul’s basic theological framework
    4. Paul’s vision for the church.

The paper is to be fully compliant with Turabian form, including the citation of all sources with appropriate footnotes, together with a bibliography of all sources used. References to Bird’s Four Views may be cited in the body of the paper with

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