History ID Questions, Whiskey Rebellion, history homework help

Hello, I want someone to do 5 IDs questions of these. Read the instructions.

PART 1: IDs – Choose FIVE (5) of the following. Fully define the term, provide context (answering the “who, what, when, and where” about it), then, provide its larger significance (answering the “why does it matter?” question). Answers must be in complete sentences, no bullet points. Be as specific as possible, and include examples. [10 points each, 50 points]

1. Whiskey Rebellion

2. X-Y-Z Affair

3. Sedition Act

4. The Compact Theory

5. Marbury v. Madison

6. Chesapeake Affair

7. Embargo Act of 1807

8. McCulloch v. Maryland

9. Missouri Compromise

10. William Lloyd Garrison

11. Compromise of 1850

12. Uncle Tom’s Cabin

13. Kansas-Nebraska Act

14. Dred Scott Decision

15. Emancipation Proclamation

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