HIS1122 TROY Era of European Expansion And Sacred Texts Research Paper

1。 *Defend or Refute “Sacred texts (like the Bible, the Vedas, etc.) are completely useless as sources of historical documentation.”

Write a clear, nuanced essay that makes an argument that is supported by appropriately-deployed facts and examples from lectures and the textbook.

a. Make sure the essay have a strong thesis statement. Ex: While…..is true, ….. is more….

b. Two body paragraph:Put disagree first, and then agree with…

c. conclusion and summary

About 650 words {The essay is supported by WORLD HISTORY TO 1500– HIS 1122}

2。 *Defend or Refute “Without question, the most important commodity during the era of European expansion was silver.

Write a clear, nuanced essay that makes an argument that is supported by appropriately-deployed facts and examples from lectures and the textbook.

a. Make sure the essay have a strong thesis statement. Ex: While…..is true, ….. is more….

b. Two body paragraph:Put disagree first, and then agree with…

c. conclusion and summary

About 650 words {The essay is supported by WORLD HISTORY FROM 1500– HIS 1123}

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