ENG1040 Methodist University Letter from Birmingham Jail Analysis

ENG – 1040: Composition & Rhetoric

See Instructions below: Attached is Kings letter a color coded one I downloaded from the internet!

Rhetorical analysis of kings letter : Pathos, Logos, Ethos (Due in 12 hrs)

Discussion Board Prompt/Directions: Each student must provide ONE primary post wherein the student provides a few examples of rhetorical strategies King uses in his Letter from Birmingham Jail. Describe what the strategies are and how they function in the letter. Are the strategies effective or not? Why or why not? Please complete the primary post in one paragraph about 100-200 words long.

Each student must provide TWO secondary posts wherein the student responds once to two different students. Your commentary should be substantive and say more than “I agree with you.” If you agree with a student, fine, but explain WHY you agree with a student. If you disagree with a student, fine, but explain why you disagree with the student. As a rule, secondary posts should be between 50 and 100 words long.

It’s up to you what rhetorical strategies you choose to describe. Do be sure, however, to quote from King’s letter to support your claims.

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