Answering the following quesitons after watching both videos. Each questions a whole paragraph pleas

Please answer the following questions. Try practice using author centered language in your responses (i.e., “Directors Sam and Siegel claim/portray/construct an ethos of the US Government as…/use ______ to support their argument/etc.” 1. What ethos do Green and Siegel construct of the Weather Underground? How to they ultimately portray them–as heroes, “thugs,” terrorists, etc.? Do the Weather Underground come across sympathetically, and if so, how do the directors create sympathy for their cause? 2. How do Green and Siegel portray the U.S. government? What evidence do the directors use to depict the US government? 3. How do Green and Siegel incorporate footage of personalities like Martin luther King, Richard Nixon, etc. to support their claims about the US government and the Weather Underground or other anti-government groups (such as the Black Panthers)? 4. What, ultimately, do Green and Siegel conclude about the uses of violence? When is state violence and/or citizen violence justified? What, do they argue or imply, should people do to confront what they perceive as violent injustices committed by their governments? Each question should have about a paragraph of a response. Use author-centered language to frame your answers and include examples from the film to support your answers.

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