All IDs are through the american history from 1890s-1950s, history homework help

All IDs are through the american history from 1890s-1950s

Sample IDS:

-full sentences

-date/place if applicable

-3-4 sentence minimum

-what is it/what was it


-why is it significant

sample IDS:The Chicago race riot was a violent outburst that happened in 1919. One short term cause was over a conflict with a segregated swimming area. It is significant because it represented what was happening around the nation in regards to racial tension and modeled riots that would happen in other cities. Black veterans in particular were targeted after their return from war, where they began to ask for better treatment.

The national origins act of 1924 limited the numbers of immigration according to a quota per nation. It most severely limited immigration from Asian countries, as well as southern and eastern European countries. It did not include Mexican immigrants. It represented the discourse against immigrants out of fear of limited resources and competition.

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