4 reflections paper current event and how does it affect us psychologically, psychology homework help

Please write 5 separate reflections paper each reflection paper must be 2 pages and more, about a current event and how does it affect us psychologically.

First reflections paper: After spending half a day in a nursing home, how did you feel and how did it affect you psychologically? 2 to 3 pages.

Second reflection paper: how the past election of the presidents in the US, and the change of the president affect the people and me psychologically? 2 pages.

Third reflection paper: How sports finals events such as Champions League, and NPA final impact the community and me psychologically? 2 pages.

Forth reflection paper: how does the Political relations right now between Qatar and most of the Gulf countries impact the population of the Gulf and me as one of them psychologically? 2 pages.

Fifth reflection paper: how did it affect the population of the world and me when the United States withdrew from the world climate agreement psychologically? 2 pages

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