3-5 sentences for 4 questions and 5 short answer questions

Part I: (3-5 sentences)

1. Please choose one of the following two terms: first-past-the-post or alternative vote. Please define the term, give a concrete example and state its significance in the context of the course material. Please limit your answer to 3-5 sentences.

2. Please choose one of the following two terms: confirmation bias or third person effect. Please define the term, give a concrete example and state its significance in the context of the course material. Please limit your answer to 3-5 sentences.

3. Please choose one of the following two terms: noblesse oblige or revolving door. Please define the term, give a concrete example and state its significance in the context of the course material. Please limit your answer to 3-5 sentences

4. Please choose one of the following two terms: caucus or primary. Please define the term, give a concrete example and state its significance in the context of the course material. Please limit your answer to 3-5 sentences.

Part II: (1-2 paragraphs)

1.For this short answer question, you have two options (see below):

Option 1: Beinart identifies two types of patriotism. What are they and how do they differ? Arguably both can be positive, but, when taken to the extreme, both can also be negative. How so? Please be specific.

Option 2: Compare and contrast Abraham Lincoln and Mart in Luther King’s views on law and justice. Whose arguments do you agree with more? Why? Specifically, in your opinion, when law and justice are opposed to one another, where is our greater obligation: to law or to justice? Why? Please be specific and make sure you do justice to both arguments.

2. Option 1: Please describe the two major compromises made at the Constitutional Convention: the Great Compromise and the 3/5ths Compromise. Who was involved? What did they want? How did they compromise? Please be specific.

Option 2: Compare and contrast the elite theory of democracy (also known as elitism) and the pluralist theory of democracy (also known as pluralism). Make sure you do justice to each theory. Which do you find more convincing? Why? Note: There is no right answer to the last two questions–I am looking for you to make a convincing argument.

3. Option 1: Please define and give an example of each of the following problems that Schubert associates with the masses in the United States: mass political disaffection, mass political ignorance, and mass political apathy. Why is each of these problematic? What, if anything, can or should be done to address these problem areas?

Option 2: The U.S. Constitution is often held up as holy writ, but it was fundamentally undemocratic in many ways. How so? Please make sure you are able to identify and describe at least three undemocratic elements of the original Constitution. Please also identify at least one element of the current Constitution that you would consider undemocratic and explain why.

4. Option 1: Compare the 1798 Sedition Act, the 1917 Espionage Act, and the 1940 Smith Act, with the Declaration of Independence and the First Amendment. Likewise, compare the Freedom of Information Act and the State Secrets Privilege.

Option 2:Shenkman identifies five defining characteristics of stupidity in this chapter. Please define and give an example of each. Which are you guilty of? Which do you think is most pervasive and/or problematic in the United States today? Why?

5. What is the Electoral College? How does the Electoral College work? What are the best arguments for and against the Electoral College? What are undemocratic features of the Electoral College? Should the Electoral College be abolished, reformed, or kept as is? Why? Please be specific.

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